Teaching Artists’ Lounge: Talking & Writing About Your Work

On Saturday, October 23rd, we had a great a workshop on presenting your work! Victoria J. Fry and Rebecca Potts Aguirre presented mini artist talks, where we each shared about our artwork. Then we offered tips and suggestions for talking and writing about your work. Here are a few of those tips:

Talking About Your Work

What Do I Talk About?

  • Your inspiration
    • Which artists do you love? 
    • What inspires you?
  • Your path
    • What led you to this work? 
    • Is there past art you made that paved the way?
  • Your process
    • How do you make your art?
  • Your concepts
    • What is your work about? 
    • What are you trying to say with your art?
  • Your materials 
    • What do you use to make your art and why?

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  1. How much time do I have?
  2. Is there a focus for my talk? 
  3. Who is my audience?
  4. What props/visuals do I need to prepare?

Things to Prepare:

  1. Slideshow
  2. Script or notes
  3. Business cards or postcards if in person
  4. What to wear?
  5. Do a run through and time yourself!

Writing About Your Work

When Writing an Artist Statement, focus on:

  • Why you make your artwork
  • How you make your artwork
  • What your artwork means to you

Artist Statement Tips:

  • Keep your artist statement to 1-3 paragraphs.
  • When submitting to an online exhibit, write about the artworks you are submitting and how they connect to the theme of the show.
  • Consider writing an artist statement for each collection of work you create, especially if those collections differ in subject matter, medium, or concept.

In the coming months, we will be offering more opportunities for YOU to give a mini artist talk! To be notified when we open up registration, join our mailing list below.


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