Featured Artist: Laura Ann Colussi

Laura Ann Colussi is a mother, artist and teacher who is always making things.  Her work is process based and focuses on the intersection of childhood joy and finding one’s place in the world without losing that joy.  She graduated from Saint Joseph’s University with a BA in Fine Art where she studied photography and sculpture.  She currently teaches art to Pre-K through eighth grade students at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy, a private school in Philadelphia, PA.  Her work has been displayed in online galleries and brick and mortar stores in the Philadelphia area.  You can spot her in a crowd, with her paint splattered boots, covered in glitter, picking up random objects that she finds inspiring.  She hopes to bring a sense of wonder and awe through her teaching and her own art, helping all of us remember times we felt pure joy.  

I am all at once separate from the burdens of the world and tangled in the earth’s history and power.

Foxies Dancing, Paper Mache and cotton fabric, 13″ x 69″ x 10″, 2020

In her statement, she says: 

I believe we are on earth to experience moments, moments that make us feel as if we are a part of the world around us, instead of passing visitors.  Moments, which are perfect in their beauty, freedom, discomfort, passion, power, or restriction.  My art not only represents powerful moments I have experienced, but the process of making art are my greatest moments of all.  In creating art I am at total peace.  I am all at once separate from the burdens of the world and tangled in the earth’s history and power.

Big Foxie is Scared, Paper Mache and cotton fabric, 25″ x 15.5″ x 20″, 2020

I love how she uses fabric in her paper mache sculptures, creating such an interesting blend of quilting and sculpture. The forms and material a reminiscent of stuffed animals, but these are not soft sculptures. They’re hard paper mache and some are nearly as large as Laura’s young children. You can see more of her work on her website at lauracolussi.com or follow her on instagram @Lauraanncolussi

Big and Big Little Foxie, Paper Mache and cotton fabric, 25” 27” 39”, 2020
Big Foxie Goes to School, Paper Mache and cotton fabric
Big Foxie Fishing, Paper Mache and cotton fabric, 24″ x 24″ x 11″, 2020
Big Foxie Goes to School, Paper Mache and cotton fabric
Foxie Leaving (front), Paper Mache and cotton fabric, 27” x 25” x 25”, 2020